Converting data from excel to MySQL using Groovy

There are various way to convert data from Excel to MySQL, for example, using “Export Data to MySQL” tool in Microsoft Excel. In this article, I will introduce a simple programmaticall approach that using groovy to incorporate JDBC and jexcelapi libraries to extract data from Excel then insert it into MySQL. Because JDBC can work not only with MySQL, but also many Relational Database such that Sqlite, SQL Server, PgSQL, Oracle,… so this program can apply to these Databases.

Effective method using javascript to hide Email address in a webpage from spam bots

On my website, I use a link had ‘mailto’ attribute to facilitate reader email to me, but I’m afraid of crawling from spam bots that want to extract my address. So, I would like to encode my email address in HTML code, and using javascript to decode it when browser parses and shows the page.